Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Man I am tired today. I'm not sure if it's the beginnings of illness or just my lack of sleep beginning to catch up with me. I could use another 6 or 7 hours of sleep today. But not today. No can do. No free time today. Unfortunately.

On a side note, a friend's mom commented on my relationship status change in facebook. She said some nice things and it was encouraging. It's one thing for your friends to say nice things about you and it's another for someone who's not biased to say those same things. And that brings me to my next point. My relationship. It's facebook official now. That means it's real.

I was kinda bummed out about it because I told my pastor about my relationship and he didn't have quite the reaction I had hoped for. It's just a little discouraging. But everyone else in the life, leader wise, seems to be happy or ok with it. They all have offered up some great advice too. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

Maybe I'm not.